There's been a bit of confusion about the Quilt Flap. It is neither a strictly academic happening with papers being read etc., nor is it simply a quilt show. Rather the Quilt Flap is a hybrid event--part show-n-tell, part information about antique quilts, and lots of socializing and, of course, it being the South, refreshments will be served. Right now our date is June 21 and our meeting place is in the auditorium at The History Place, a museum in downtown Morehead City, North Carolina devoted to local history of this area. Their website is here
www.thehistoryplace.org and the map is pictured to the above right.
At this time, we envision the Flap as a glorious one-day event but there will likely be other happenings as well.For instance, I'll offer quilt classes at The Quilt Studio on Thursday and Friday (June 19 and 20) prior to the Flap. Lynn Gorges will have her conservation studio
www.textilepreservation.com open in New Bern, NC (45 west of Morehead City on Highway 70). I'll be talking to local quilt shops as well and we'll see what other trouble we can stir up! More will be revealed....