The wool quilt is a French piece and wonderfully over-the-top with folky embroidery. I mean, if you're gonna be crazy, why not go all the way? It tries to start out with squares in the middle but then devolves to its true crazy nutzo nature at the sides.
And then there's this quiltmaker who started crazy in the center and then seemed to have a change of heart. You can almost imagine her drawing herself up and saying, "That's enough of that!" and quickly surrounding her patched crazy block with geometric Log Cabin blocks and long strips. Finally! Got that crazy block surrounded and controlled...
The crazy block and its story are very touching. In the last quilt the woman wised up and realized if she kept doing crazy blocks she would never get it done and it was a Christmas gift and she only had 42 more days to get it done.:)
Bonnie, I think you're right about that last quilt. Git 'er done!
I agree. The first block just made her crazy! Nice memories.
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